Tank assemblies, components, reagents, buffers, solutions, and stains for protein, nucleic acid, and peptide electrophoresis; includes systems of varying capacity and methodology, and components for operation, maintenance, drying, and imaging.
Additional supply of buffer for use with NucleoBond™ PC EF kits (PC 500 EF, PC 2000 EF, PC 10000 EF, PC Prep 100) for the purification of endotoxin-free plasmid DNA. Buffer solutions include: S1/S2/S3-EF, N2/N3/N4/N5-EF, TE-EF, and H2O-EF.
DNA Dilution Buffer, a component of the ResDNASEQ Residual DNA Quantitation kits, is offered separately here for those kit users who need additional elution buffer.
Produce more uniform conductivity along the Immobiline™ DryStrip during focusing. Cytiva IPG Buffers are ampholyte-containing buffers formulated for use with Immobiline™ DryStrip gels.