High efficiency, chemically competent E. coli cells ideal for construction of gene banks or generation of cDNA libraries using plasmid-derived vectors
Suitable for the expression of non-toxic heterologous genes. The strain contains the lambda DE3 prophage that carries the gene for T7 RNA polymerase under control of a lacUV5 promoter, allowing expression of the T7 RNA polymerase to be induced with IPTG.
High efficiency, chemically competent E. coli cells. The DH10B strain is suitable for cloning DNA containing methylcytosine, 5-hydroxymethylcytosine, and methyladenine, allowing both prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomic DNA to be cloned efficiently.
Optimize cloning with Thermo Scientific™ pBR322 DNA, a 4361 bp double-stranded closed circular medium copy plasmid DNA.