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STEMCELL Technologies ClonaCell™-HY Medium D without HAT

Semi-solid methylcellulose-based hybridoma selection and cloning medium without HAT (serum-containing)

Brand:  STEMCELL Technologies 03810


Product Code. 17168191

  • 1041.00€ / 90mL
Estimated Shipment: 20-02-2025
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  • ClonaCell™‐HY Medium D without HAT is a semi-solid methylcellulose-based medium that does not contain any selection agents such as HAT (hypoxanthine, aminopterin, and thymidine), enabling alternative hybridoma or myeloma selection methods to be used
  • This product can be used to select and clone myelomas or hybridomas in one step by adding an appropriate selection agent to the medium
  • Individual parental clones and their progeny remain localized together in the semi-solid matrix as they grow to form distinct colonies
  • This prevents the loss of rare clones by overgrowth from faster-growing cells, as can occur during selection in a liquid medium, and facilitates the isolation of monoclonal colonies
  • The colonies can be easily picked from the semi-solid medium by manual or robotic methods and dispersed into a liquid medium for screening and expansion


Cell Culture; Hybridoma Generation; Semi-Solid Cloning
90 mL
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STEMCELL Technologies ClonaCell™-HY Medium D without HAT

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