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Fisherbrand™ Polystyrene Diamond-Shaped Antistatic Weighing Boat
Designed for accurate pouring with minimal sample loss. Fisherbrand™ Polystyrene Diamond-Shaped Antistatic Weighing Boat features a smooth surface that flexes easily. Disposable boats have a flat bottom, static-free surface and can be used for a variety of lab applications.
Brand: Fisherbrand™ HS1426AAF
36.47 EUR valid until 2025-04-30
Use promo code "24138" to get your promotional price.
- Features a diamond shape that easily flexes for accurate pouring
- Wide, flat bottom helps resist tipping
- Biologically inert and resistant to dilute and weak acids, aqueous solutions, alcohols and bases
- Temperature range -10 to 70°C
- Antistatic surface to ensure complete sample removal
- 500 FDA/food-grade compliant boats per pack
Flat | |
Black | |
Polystyrene | |
Antistatic Weighing Boat | |
55 x 35 x 6 mm | |
35 mm |
5 mL | |
Single-use | |
Square | |
Microwave Moisture Analyzer | |
55 mm | |
6 mm |
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