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Thermo Scientific™ Yellow Sample Buffer (40X)

40X Yellow Sample Buffer is used to color and track the samples while pipetting and setting up qPCR reactions.

Brand:  Thermo Scientific™ R1381

Product Code. 13263189

  • 40.17€ / Pack of 4
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Thermo Scientific™ 40X Yellow Sample Buffer is used with Thermo Scientific™ Luminaris™ Color qPCR Master Mixes to color and track samples. When using the blue Luminaris Color qPCR Master Mix the qPCR reaction mix is blue before sample addition. After adding the sample the reaction mix turns green, making the overall dispensing of qPCR reaction components quick, easy and error-free. This is particularly important for users of opaque white reaction plates and tubes.

The Yellow Sample Buffer is an aqueous solution of inert yellow dye (pH 8.0). The buffer is provided as a 40X concentrate and used in 1X concentration in the final reaction. The yellow dye does not affect the specificity or sensitivity of qPCR assays. The absorption maximum of the yellow dye is at 413nm.

Thermo Scientific 40X Yellow Sample Buffer is used with Luminaris Color qPCR Master Mixes to color and track the samples. When using the blue Luminaris Color qPCR Master Mix the qPCR reaction mix is blue before sample addition. After adding the sample the reaction mix turns green, making the overall dispensing of qPCR reaction components quick, easy and error-free. This is particularly important for users of opaque white reaction plates and tubes.

The Yellow Sample Buffer is an aqueous solution of the inert yellow dye (pH 8.0). The buffer is provided as a 40X concentrate and used in 1X concentration in the final reaction (for detailed recommendations refer to the manual of qPCR). The yellow dye does not affect the specificity or sensitivity of qPCR assays. The absorption maximum of the yellow dye is at 413 nm.


  • Colored sample buffer for easy tracking during pipetting.

Absorption maximum: The absorption maximum of the yellow dye is at 413 nm
Hazardous: No
Storage Condition: -20°C



• 4 x 1.25 mL 40X Yellow Sample Buffer

Store at -20°C.
1.25 mL
Taq DNA Polymerase
4 x 1.25 mL


Sicherheitsdatenblatt (SDS)




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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.