Chemical reagents and other products used for DNA-related techniques and processes such as PCR cloning, DNA sequencing, DNA cloning and mapping, mutagenesis, DNA synthesis, etc.; includes kits, columns, buffers, labelling technology, and others.
This is a pouch of POP-7 polymer for protein quality analysis on 3500/3500xL genetic analyzers. The POP-7 separation matrix is validated for protein quality analysis and is offered in easy-to-use pouch packages and 960 sample (maximum) or 384 sample (maximum) size formats.
The anode buffer container (ABC) contains 1X running buffer to support protein quality analysis applications on the Applied Biosystems™ 3500 series genetic analyzers for protein quality analysis.
The Cathode Buffer Container (CBC) contains 1X running buffer to support protein quality analysis applications on the Applied Biosystems™ 3500 Series genetic analyzers for protein quality analysis.
This kit contains two tubes of standard used to generate a spectrum required when analyzing BigDye Terminator v3.1 labeled DNA fragments on 31xx, 3500, SeqStudio, and SeqStudio Flex series genetic analyzers.