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Carl Zeiss™ Stemi 305 EDU Microscope Set

Compact Greenough stereo microscope with 5:1 zoom for biological education, labs and production environments.

Brand:  Carl Zeiss™ 435063-9010-100

Product Code. 15332098

  • 2310.00€ / Each
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  • This compact Greenough stereo microscope allows you to observe your samples as they are: three-dimensional and crisp in contrast and no preparation required.
  • The Stemi 305 is an easy-to-use microscope, requires minimal setup, everything is integrated including long-living LED illumination for both reflected and transmitted light.
  • Spot Illuminator K LED - Single spot for brightfield and darkfield epi-illumination, Thread M24x0.5 for polarizer, Height adjustable, inclinable, zoomable.


50/60 Hz
Microscope Set
Choice of interchangeable optics, stand, illuminator, eyepiece reticles, gliding, ball/socket and rotating stages, ergo hand rest for stand K LAB, software and cameras
100/240 V
8X to 40X Basic System, 4X to 200X with Interchangeable Lenses
Stemi 305
400 Lp/mm to 1.25 μm
Greenough System
Alignment tasks, hobby and private applications, mechanical engineering, wood and paper industry, aerospace industry
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