For Use With: Arex, Arec.X and Arex Digital Hot Plate Stirrers
For use with MR Hei-End, MR Hei-tec, MR Hei-Connect and MR Hei-Standard magnetic stirrers
For Use With: Isotemp hotplates, stirrers and stirring hotplates
For Use With: Stirring Models
For Use With: Isotemp (±1°C at 70°C) and Isotemp Advanced (±0.5°C at 70°C) Hotplates and Hotplate Stirrers
For Use With: Isotemp Hotplates, Stirrers and Stirring Hotplates
For Use With: Isotemp (±1.8°C at 70°C) and Isotemp Advanced (±1.2°C at 70°C) Hotplates and Hotplate Stirrers
For Use With: Cimarec and Supernuova Hotplates and Hotplate Stirrers
For Use With: Cimarec and Supernuova Hotplates and Hotplate Stirrers
For Use With: PC-400D and PC-600D Hotplates and PC-420D and PC-620D Stirring Hotplates
For Use With: EchoTherm digital hot plates and stirring hot plates
For Use With: Models PC-400, PC-410, PC-420, PC-400D, PC-410d, PC-420D, PC-600D, PC-610d.